Thursday, July 17, 2008

Our Happy Kiddo. . .

Jackson was up at 5:10 this morning , and he was screaming. He was really rubbing his gums so we gave him some Tylenol, and he had gas so we gave him some Mylicon (which we have not had to use for a very long time). Anyway, I rocked him and sang to him and talked to him and walked with him, etc. He still screamed. Finally we gave him his bottle, which he drank between screams. He usually wakes up at around 6, but for the last couple days he has slept until almost 7, which is why waking up at 5:10 seemed out of the ordinary for him. Anyway, he finally fell back to sleep at around 6 and he slept until 8:45!!! I could not believe it. Well, when he woke up and we started breakfast. . .this is what I got. . .I could not keep the camera away. Seriously, is this not the most precious face. . . he was laughing and I was laughing at him. . .it was so funny. . . I'm not even sure what we were laughing at, but it was fun, nonetheless.

It is times like this, when his precious little smile and laugh just make my day, that I thank God SO MUCH for letting me be a mommy to such a beautiful and wonderful little guy.